Manual Bars And Chords

cartoon guitar player by bethann93 (

The manual is currently being revised, so the order, content and title are subject to change. And it's a bit messy! as of February 2025

Adding bars

Just enter the chords.

Every chord will get on its own bar.

You don't have to use special delimiter chars between chords.

Just use a blank.

One chord makes a bar

Put four chords in a line

Adding chords

Just write the chordnames as you would do on paper.

Split bars

To put multiple chords in a single bar there is a special char _.

Think of it as "glue" to paste multiple chords together.

E.g. Dm7_G7 Cmaj7 will result in two bars.
One split bar with two chords (Dm7 G7) and one bar with just one chord (Cmaj7).

See the Example split bars.

Indent Bars

You can indent bars by preceding them with one ore more X.

That is useful to make 1st and 2nd endings easier to read.
Use two lines and indent the bars of the 2nd ending to align them vertically with the 1st ending.

See the Example 1st and 2nd endings.

First and second endings

See the Example 1st and 2nd endings.

Repeat sections

E.g. (A B) |:A B:|

You can note the number of repeats by writing (A B)3x or (A B)x3

See the Example repeat sections.

Page Break

If the arrangement does not fit on a single page you'll have to add a page break.

E.g. + or + Chorus.

The latter as a shorthand for + followed by a = Chorus to start a new section.

See the Example Page Breaks.

A page break will be added automatically if the maximum lines per page limit is exceeded .

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