You have several options if you want to share your work.
All the chord sheets you create are private and not publicly visible by default.
Every logged in user has access only to her own chord sheets.
So if you want to share your chord sheets the only way is to use print-outs or PDF files.
You can print the PDF and give it to someone.
You can download the PDF and send it to someone.
But if you want to, you can make your own chord sheets accessible by anyone.
To do so you can unlock a public URL.
You can unlock a public URL and send it to someone.
You can link to the public URL from your website or blog.
Here is an example:
A public URL uses a unique key made up of six random letters.
So it is very unlikely - not impossible - that someone guesses the key.
The public URLs are NOT listed or linkend to from
If you want to share them you still have to promote them - e.g. send the link to someone else.
With this public URL others can download and print the PDF themselves.
Furthermore they can transpose the chord sheet.
Please note that the public url will be printed in the footer of the PDF file.
Optionally you can allow others to also copy your source to use it as starting point for their own versions.
Be aware that the source might contain comments as well.
You can revoke the public URL if you change your mind.